February 16, 2025

Ransomware Android Virus Attack

A virus is detected, that possessed on the devices of the Android and cannot leave, until get the ransom. A security firm Eset has confirmed the first case of Ransomware Virus that encrypted the files on the Android device and then lock it.

According to the information of Eset, Trozan that is said to be a Simplelocker, target the SD card of tablet and handset and demanded the money to decrypt the file.

A message seeking money is in Russian language and payment amount sought in Ukrainian currency. An expert noted that the risk was significant, but limited.

Dr Steven Murdoch, who is attached to the University of Cambridge computer laboratory, said, “the malware encrypted the file is proving a lucrative criminal enterprise.And so its new target Android is not astounding.”

He said, “Smartphone Users should be very careful when downloading when downloading the software from the any source and pressurize the phone company to provide the security updates regularly.”

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